Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Job that I love

Today i´m studing for being a veterinarian. That's because i love the animals, especially when they are babies. All this thing about the animals makes some people think that a veterinarian will be all the time doing the same and that's become a routine. But, even that could be true in some cases, i really look my self doing everything that could be possible to save the animals life. Maybe in a clinicall, maybe in a Zoo, or traveling around the world, looking for another species that here in Chile you can't see. When i think what i want to do in the future, there are many posibilities; sometimes, i even think that i would like to do all the ideas that i have! first, learn in a surgeon clinicall, and follow studing, then work in a zoo! and when i could have the experience and the money, start to travel around the world, or in the places called "hot spots" of animal diversity. I think that I could have all that jobs first studing so much, then having so much years of experience and collecting the money that i will need. But the most important, never stop of studing, even when i finish the university. That kind of future is the best for me because i´m a person that doesn´t likes the routine, so i want to do everything that is posible to take care of the health of animals, but in different ways.