Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Job that I love

Today i´m studing for being a veterinarian. That's because i love the animals, especially when they are babies. All this thing about the animals makes some people think that a veterinarian will be all the time doing the same and that's become a routine. But, even that could be true in some cases, i really look my self doing everything that could be possible to save the animals life. Maybe in a clinicall, maybe in a Zoo, or traveling around the world, looking for another species that here in Chile you can't see. When i think what i want to do in the future, there are many posibilities; sometimes, i even think that i would like to do all the ideas that i have! first, learn in a surgeon clinicall, and follow studing, then work in a zoo! and when i could have the experience and the money, start to travel around the world, or in the places called "hot spots" of animal diversity. I think that I could have all that jobs first studing so much, then having so much years of experience and collecting the money that i will need. But the most important, never stop of studing, even when i finish the university. That kind of future is the best for me because i´m a person that doesn´t likes the routine, so i want to do everything that is posible to take care of the health of animals, but in different ways.


  1. Today i´m SP studing for being a veterinarian. That's because i love the animals, especially when they are babies. All this thing about the animals makes some people think that a veterinarian will be all the time doing the same and that's become a routine. But, even that could be true in some cases, i really look my self doing everything that could be possible to save the animals life. Maybe in a SP clinicall, maybe in a Zoo, or traveling around the world, looking for another species that here in Chile you can't see. When i think what i want to do in the future, there are many SP posibilities; sometimes, i even think that i would like to do all the ideas that i have! first, learn in a surgeon clinicall, and follow studing, then work in a zoo! and when i could have the experience and the money, start to travel around the world, or in the places called "hot spots" of animal diversity. I think that I could have all that jobs first studing so much, then having so much years of experience and collecting the money that i will need. But the most important, never stop of SP studing, even when i finish the university. That kind of future is the best for me because i´m a person that doesn´t likes the routine, so i want to do everything that is SP posible to take care of the health of animals, but in different ways.
    Posted by Clau Muñoz .. ! at 8:52 AM 0 comments
    Clau,well good luck with anything you want...
    p.s. you got a 6.2
    Saturday, October 31, 2009

    Photo Funia is a web site were you can upload a picture and choose the background you like the most. I've founded by a friend, who WF gaves me the link. I love the page because i can see my self in a catwalk or in a publicity anuncement, in a shopping center or in the bus stop. I even can appear in the front page of a very top magazine!. However, even i enjoy the web site, i don't have too much time for use it. the web site is: . Enjoy it!

    I'll check it out it sounds interesting and fun!
    p.s. you got a 6
    Posted by Clau Muñoz .. ! at 3:58 PM 0 comments
    Friday, October 9, 2009

  2. My first Stage

    This photo is really strange. As you can see, i'm in a kind of camerin, whith a school friend, and wearing an evening dress. Maybe you think, why she chose that picture? Well,the reason is because that picture is a very important moment in my life, maybe not the most, but is very important to me. It was the first time that i go to the stage! i was six teen years old (4 years ago!) and i was really nervous because my school was celebrating The Second English Song's festival, and my english teacher chose me and my friend to be the animators of the festival. in this moment i don't have pictures right on the stage, but this one in the WW camerin remains me the moments before we go up and start the festival. With my friend we've been making cabals on the camerin, but it's irrelevant names them on the blog, and only a few seconds to go, another friend enter to the camerin and take the picture. When we went up and cheer the public ^ , all the SVA people was so funny and nice, that the nervousness dissapeared. That time the challenge was double because we spoke in english,but when we TENSE finish, we had to translate to spanish. the important is, that after that festival, i discovered that i don't fear to speak in public, and that the stage for me is shine, not fear.

    well done! it is very stressing being on stage in front of a big group of people.
    p.s. you got a 5.7
    Posted by Clau Muñoz .. ! at 11:21 AM 2 comments
    Tuesday, September 29, 2009
    My special fun

    In the vacations, when i'm finally WWin home, and all that i can do is rest, sometimes i feel bored. It seems to be unbelieveable, but it's true. So, when that happens, i know that there's an easy way to make me fun, alone or with someone else. The only problem is what that WW fun spend me so much time (incluiding, in extreme cases, lunch or sleeping time), because once i started, i just can't stop of play with it! maybe the video games are not atractive to all the people, but in my case, they are the best thing to make me fun in bored times, and i have a special feeling about them. Video games are simulations of the real life or fantastic things. Just chose the game you like the most and let the fun start. With the new Sp tecnology, video games are not just press buttons, you have to move your hands, your arms, simulate to shot, or drive cars to extreme speed. You even can do yoga or exercise if you want, play tennis, play boxing.. it's not just kill an ugly monter! you have to be alarm all the time and move yourself. I started to play with them when i was fourteen, with the playstation that my dad gifts me. At that age i used to play so much, but when i grew up i stopped. Now, i play with my nintendo wii when i come back home and when i have time for it, but i still loving it. I think what without the video games, my boring time will increases to much, especially when i'm bored to do all the other things, even rest.

    clau,check some connectors for these ideas...
    p.s. you got a 5.2
