Friday, April 16, 2010

Transantiago: the pros and cons

The truth is that for me, the transantiago has done a better means of transportation for people. While it's true, had once more driven and more locomotion than now, but the waiting time and location of the buses stop was far more uncertain. I think it's better now because it is much more organized and cleaner than before. even the appearance of a bus is better than the previous buses. before it was easier to take a bus anywhere on the street, but for that reason, the delay in reaching the target was much higher. if I remember correctly, the system transantiago began in 2007, and just this year I arrived in Santiago from another city to prepare me to take the psu, so I went through the toughest times of transantiago, but over time I started to notice the improvements. even the bus driver assaults decreased. however, if I had to make some changes, I think there were increase more guards, not just in "peak times", but in all times, to keep out people up without paying, or even put a guard inside the buses but in all routes to monitor functioning payment system. I say this because I noticed that there is only guards in some routes, but the rest, where there is no guards, the people have no respect and up without paying. another point that is worth mentioning is that of vendors. Today, vendors authorized to perform their jobs on the buses wear uniforms and credentials that certify that they are working. But what about the other people who are raised to sell any class of objects, food, drinks, utensils, among others? or those that are uploaded to sing or show their incurables diseases? the truth is that I find it quite unpleasant, because I think if it's a job then they should be serious and legally authorized to practice. but anyone can get on and say that have a cancer or an incurable evil disease that can't afford and needs money. Finally, although for some people transantiago brought more headaches than benefits, it is certainly: transantiago is here to stay, and is a better alternative to the subway at rush hours (around if it is really more terrible).

1 comment:

  1. The truth is that for me, the transantiago has done a better means of transportation for people. While it's true, had once more driven and more WW locomotion than now, but the waiting time and location of the buses stop was far more uncertain. I think it's better now because it is much more organized and cleaner than before. even the appearance of a bus is better than the previous buses. before it was easier to take a bus anywhere on the street, but for that reason, the delay in reaching the target was much higher. if I remember correctly, the system transantiago began in 2007, and just this year I arrived in Santiago from another city to prepare me to take the psu, so I went through the toughest times of transantiago, but over time I started to notice the improvements. even the bus driver assaults decreased. however, if I had to make some changes, I think there were WF increase more guards, not just in "peak times", but in all times, to keep out people up without paying, or even put a guard inside the buses but in all routes to monitor WW functioning payment system. I say this because I noticed that there is only guards in some routes, but the rest, where there is no guards, the people have no respect and up without paying. another point that is worth mentioning is that of ? ? vendors. Today, vendors authorized to perform their jobs on the buses wear uniforms and credentials that certify that they are working. But what about the other people who are raised to sell any class of objects, food, drinks, utensils, among others? or those that are uploaded to sing or show their incurables diseases? the truth is that I find it quite unpleasant, because I think if it's a job then they should be serious and legally authorized to practice. but anyone can get on and say that have a cancer or an incurable evil disease that can't afford and SVA needs money. Finally, although for some people transantiago brought more headaches than benefits, it is WF certainly: transantiago is here to stay, and is a better alternative to the subway at rush hours (around if it is really more terrible).

    I agree with you people who sell things in the buses should be in the streets and not in the bus.
    check the corrections

    p.s. you got a 5.8
