Friday, October 9, 2009

My first Stage

This photo is really strange. As you can see, i'm in a kind of camerin, whith a school friend, and wearing an evening dress. Maybe you think, why she chose that picture? Well,the reason is because that picture is a very important moment in my life, maybe not the most, but is very important to me. It was the first time that i go to the stage! i was six teen years old (4 years ago!) and i was really nervous because my school was celebrating The Second English Song's festival, and my english teacher chose me and my friend to be the animators of the festival. in this moment i don't have pictures right on the stage, but this one in the camerin remains me the moments before we go up and start the festival. With my friend we've been making cabals on the camerin, but it's irrelevant names them on the blog, and only a few seconds to go, another friend enter to the camerin and take the picture. When we went up and cheer the public, all the people was so funny and nice, that the nervousness dissapeared. That time the challenge was double because we spoke in english,but when we finish, we had to translate to spanish. the important is, that after that festival, i discovered that i don't fear to speak in public, and that the stage for me is shine, not fear.


  1. In a camerin???... claudiaaa OH MY GOOD! hahaha I did not know so much! hahaha lie is just a joke.In the picture you are beautifull, I imagine that this moment was very important for you, You have many personality =D is great!

  2. very beautiful photography
    you look pretty in the photo
    i imagine that this moment is important for you....:P
    see you
