Thursday, July 15, 2010

Learning english at the university

In my case, I've been started learning english at the university in the level of preintermediate, the second semester of the year 2009. Even this level is the last accord the basic university program, I thought that I could learn more because I like the english, so I continued the course the first semester of 2010, but as an elective course. So, I can say that I was learning english in the university for a complete year. I also think that in future I could take the next elective in english, for can be prepared and ready to take the TOEFL. But this expectations are for further, because I want to take the TOEFL when I'll be almost ready in the university. This is because i've realized that english is important, but the other courses take from you so much time, and if you really want to learn you most do it when you have time and no pressures from the other courses.

It's hard do put so much dedication when you have anatomy (for example), or phisiology, because these courses (at least for me) have taked off my life, and I really don't had so much time for sleep or do something else, so when I was very pressed I had to stop to put all the attencion to other courses, and I recognize that english sometimes was one of them, but no for being lazy, but for the quizes in the afternoon. Anyway, I think that this elective in the university is very pleasurable because it's not a course were you have to give hard exams or homeworks, and really it's not very hard, so you can go to english and don't feel stress.

In the preintermediate level, the most liked activity for me was when we saw a video about cats, from National Geografic, because I think that I've learned so much of it! I really like dogs and cats, but I don't know so much about cats, and I've learned interesting things about them. In the pilot level, the activity that I liked the most was when we had to make a video with a song and pictures of the letter, but I felt frustraited when I realized that 2 more people had the same song that me.. but those, are details, I enjoyed making the video. But what I really appreciate from this course was in the preintermediate level, when we received a paper were a veterinarian had exposed some tips for being an good and succesfull profesional, and I apreciate that because those things are not taught in anatomy, or economy, or each course of the university, but they were in english :)

In conclusion, I have a nice feeling about this course, and I think that I will continue in a next elective, in a few years more.

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