Friday, June 18, 2010

Challenges in my discipline

My discipline, as the discipline of all of us, is facing challenges related to mixed areas. Some of these areas are technology, social matters and education.

In the technology area, some of the challenges for me are:

Face the new technology, and show interest on it: I'm a person who likes the new technology, but doen't knows how to use it and always needs helps to use it at the beggining. Today, the technology is increasing in all areas, and sometimes that's a little difficult for me. I think I could resolve this challenge showing more interest in learn about technology, but it's a little hard for me because I'm really not much interested in this area, I like new things in technology, but easier. The critical issue involved in this area is my interest.

In the soccial matters, some of the challenges for me are:

Accept different points of view of the things that I do or I like. I allways thought that we are free to do things and to have our opinions, but I really hate when someone tell me bad thing about what I'm doing, studing, or claiming. I think I could resolve this having more tolerance with differents opinions, and do not taking the opinions as something bad. the critical issue involved in this area is my tolerance level.

Try to not show heaviness: sometimes, i'm really apathetic with other people because I heard something bad that they said about me, or they act apathetic with me, like pass at my side and not say hi, (I mean, it's so hard to be nice??) or talking you just when they need something, and then they forget you. I really hate this attitudes, and when someones does this, I'm really heavy. I think I could resolve this ignoring to these people, or ignoring these acts, but it's hard for me.

the critical issue involved in this area is my hability to show ripeness.

In the education, some challenges for me are:

Learn as I most: sometimes I study just for the test, and not for learn about what I'm doing. I could resolve this planning better my time for study. the critical issue involved in this area is the time.

1 comment:

  1. I understand what you said about studying!, but we really don't have enought time, this year my purpose was that, planning better my time for study, and it works! I have better marks,but I always need more time :/
