Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Faculty Facilities

My faculty: Veterinary science and livestock, university of Chile.

Particulary, this faculty of the university of chile is ubicated at the south of Santiago, in the commune "La Pintana". This situacion has been always difficult for most of the part of students, teachers, workers, etc, because it's too far from the rest of the city and also it's placed in one of the most dangerous communes of the city. These points makes that all the ones that go to this faculty have to deal with: how to get there, and how to be safe from criminals.

Even we can't do anything for change these situations, maybe we can improvement more security measures, for example, using the buses of the faculty.

Another situation that I think that could be better is the feeding in the university. The university should improve more measures, like stablish a big casino, with lower prices and more menus for eat. I think this because the menu in the faculty is one per day and it's very expensive.

The first steps to dealing with this situacion would make formal these requests, and then, focus in the costs of improvements.

I would resolve this situacion through the center of students of veterinary medicine (CEV), because this entity represents all the students to the autorities.

The beneficts of these improvements could be: best security and better feeding.

The real impacts: the costs of improvements.

Further, we can focus in another ways to resolve these problems but with lower costs.

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