Monday, May 24, 2010

My favourite animal: the dog

The dog.. an amazing partner of life! Since I was a child I remember that the dogs are a very important part of me. the reason? their loyalty and their capacity of showing love.

The dog is a very common animal here in Chile, you can ask and there is so much people who has one of them. The dogs have so much kinds of breeds, sizes and shapes, and different personalities. You can see small dogs, like 'Chihuahuas' or 'Poodles', or big dogs, like 'San Bernardos' or 'Gran Daneses'. There are some dogs bad calificated as bravery dogs, like 'Pitbulls' or 'Rotweillers'. This happens because these breeds are agressives, but is the owner who trains the caracter of the pet. some dogs are also called "pocket pets", because they are very small and keeps easily in the handbag, and also are very lovely.

The reason that makes me choose the dog as my favourite animal is the same reason why I'm studing veterinary medicine. when I was a child I had so many cats, I growed up wathing them having their babies, playing, and living with my family, since one day I asked: why does whe have so many cats but not a dog? and my family bring to our home a mongrel, called Tanque. he was a mix of a german shepherd (pastor alemán) and something else... I was the happiest girl in all the world! tanque was a member of my family, a dog that I will never forget.. one day, my family and I had to leave the city and my dad told me that we can't take tanque with us, and that he will let him to another family... but with the past of the time, I found that he leaves tanque to his faith because no one else wanted him.... oooohh I remember how I cried when I knew that! That notice had broken my heart, and after that I said to my self "that it can't happen again, I swear it!"
Two years later, someone else arrives to my home! Pelusa, a small poodle was moving her tale in the sofa, and I was so happy! this time was different because she stays with us and had her own babies. but shortly after birth, she died.. then, I remember that I said "I should have done something else to save her", but the veterinarian said that there's nothing else to do. So, I was thinking about tanque and pelusa and I decided to do something for not allow the animal neglect and for keep healty the animals (specially, the dogs): being a veterinarian! yes, that experiences in my life had make me decided my career, because tanque and pelusa had just wanted love and a happy and healthy life, and in their memory I will try that any dog or animal that I attend, could have what they had looking for.
That's why I love the dogs, because they need so much help and love, that they can't live without us. Actually, I have nine dogs in my house in Copiapó, two of them are the babies of Pelusa and the others are her grandbabies.

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