Monday, May 3, 2010

A country I would like to visit

I would like to go to Australia, because it's a country full of animal diversity and new species that are exclusively of this country. Australia is for me a very exotic place, were you can do so much things.. reef dive, explore the forests, go on field trip and meet the animals.
I really don´t know much about this country, but the few things that I've seen makes me feel that it's a wonderful place to study, to work... to live! so, I think that if in some point of my life I could have the chance to visit there, I will go very happy.
The only thing that bother me is really contradictory, because I like the animal diversity, but not when we are talking about poisonous bugs or snakes, spiders or anything that can cause you a serious damage ( or a painful bite). No, actually that's the worst part of Australia, anything else it's amazing for me.
Another thing that likes to me about Australia is Sidney, because it's really beautifull, and even it's old, it looks modern. I would like to visit and enjoy everything, not just the nature, but also the culture and the mode of living of the Australians.


  1. Hi Clau :)
    Australia, yes! Sound so exotic to me. All the kangaroos and koalas and stuff. I would love to go there someday.

    Nice blog :)

  2. I would like to go to Australia, because it's a country full of animal diversity and new species that are exclusively of this country. Australia is for me a very exotic place, SP were you can do so WW much things.. reef dive, explore the forests, go on field trip and meet the animals.
    I really don´t know much about this country, but the few things that I've seen SVA makes me feel that it's a wonderful place to study, to work... to live! so, I think that if in some point of my life I could have the chance to visit there, I will go very happy.
    The only thing that SVA bother me is really contradictory, because I like the animal diversity, but not when we are talking about poisonous bugs or snakes, spiders or anything that can cause you a serious damage ( or a painful bite). No, actually that's the worst part of Australia, anything else it's amazing for me.
    Another thing that WO likes to me about Australia is Sidney, because it's really SP beautifull, and even it's old, it looks modern. I would like to visit and enjoy everything, not just the nature, but also the culture and the mode of living of the Australians.

    So you like Aussie land!! I think it has the most poisonous spacies in the whole world Clau! I think it must be very beautiful.
