Sunday, May 9, 2010

Death Penalty

Death penalty is a topic very discused in all the world, because it's a punishment for criminals but it's used only in some countries. Forms of execution include death by lethal injection, electrocution, lethal gas, hanging, and firing squad.

Even we know that death penalty involves end with the life, I've got a different point of view, because here in Chile we have very high numbers of criminals, and with the pass of the time this numbers are getting higher. I think this happens because the justice in this country isn´t so hard, and the criminals do whatever they want. If we could have the death penalty, I´m sure that the numbers of violations, murders and other crimes would decrease, because criminals will have fear about the sentence.

But, even I agree with death penalty, I think that it most be used in extreme cases, like serial killers or violators. I think this people kills in life not just to the victim, but also the family, and that pain will never leave their hearts. So, if some one tells me "it's a life, we can´t take it off to the criminal because we're nobody to do something like that", I answer "he took one life to (maybe more), and the lifes of the victim's family"... besides, we see this from outside, but what would happens if someone do something to us, or to our family? we would like to kill him! (her), or to make justice! I allways watch in the news "the violator goes to prision.. for 2 - 3 years".. isn't that terrible? how does the family feel with a sentence like that? or "falls serial killer. He has previous criminal records for 3 violations and sexual harassment"... that means that he didn´t go to prision!! that's terrible, I really hate this guys, and the justice to.

I think that there are so much kinds of criminals, but in summary, one is the freak that act because is sick, got a trauma, etc, and the other do this just for a stupid thing, like a fight or with alcohol, etc. The point is, that if we could have death penalty established here in chile, the crimes will low down, and more in the second point (stupid crimes) because there will be a conciousness about the punishment.

I don't think that most be used in accidents or some crimes that not afect the life, for example, the drug trafficants, the thieves, the scammers, etc, but I agree to used it in killers and violators.

1 comment:

  1. Death penalty is a topic very SP discused in all the world, because it's a punishment for criminals but it's used only in some countries. Forms of execution include death by lethal injection, electrocution, lethal gas, hanging, and firing squad.

    Even we know that death penalty involves end with the life, I've got a different point of view, because here in Chile we have very high numbers of criminals, and with the pass of the time this numbers are getting higher. I think this happens because the justice in this country isn´t so hard, and the criminals do whatever they want. If we could have the death penalty, I´m sure that the numbers of violations, murders and other crimes would decrease, because criminals will have fear about the sentence.

    But, even I agree with death penalty, I think that it most be used in extreme cases, like serial killers or violators. I think this people SVA kills in life not just to the victim, but also the family, and that pain will never leave their hearts. So, if some one tells me "it's a life, we can´t take it off to the criminal because we're nobody to do something like that", I answer "he took one life to (maybe more), and the WF lifes of the victim's family"... besides, we see this from outside, but what would happens if someone SVA do something to us, or to our family? we would like to kill him! (her), or to make justice! I allways watch in the news "the WW violator goes to prision.. for 2 - 3 years".. isn't that terrible? how does the family feel with a sentence like that? or "falls serial killer. He has previous criminal records for 3 violations and sexual harassment"... that means that he didn´t go to prision!! that's terrible, I really hate this guys, and the justice to.

    I think that there are so much kinds of criminals, but in summary, one is the ? freak that act because is sick, got a trauma, etc, and the other do this just for a stupid thing, like a fight or with alcohol, etc. The point is, that if we could have death penalty established here in chile, the crimes will low down, and more in the second point (stupid crimes) because there will be a conciousness about the punishment.

    I don't think that most be used in accidents or some crimes that not afect the life, for example, the drug WW trafficants, the thieves, the scammers, etc, but I agree to used it in killers and violators.

    well done clau! I agree with you that maybe rapists can be sentenced but it''s a difficult topic isn't it?

    check some of the words in here ok?
