Monday, May 24, 2010

My favourite animal: the dog

The dog.. an amazing partner of life! Since I was a child I remember that the dogs are a very important part of me. the reason? their loyalty and their capacity of showing love.

The dog is a very common animal here in Chile, you can ask and there is so much people who has one of them. The dogs have so much kinds of breeds, sizes and shapes, and different personalities. You can see small dogs, like 'Chihuahuas' or 'Poodles', or big dogs, like 'San Bernardos' or 'Gran Daneses'. There are some dogs bad calificated as bravery dogs, like 'Pitbulls' or 'Rotweillers'. This happens because these breeds are agressives, but is the owner who trains the caracter of the pet. some dogs are also called "pocket pets", because they are very small and keeps easily in the handbag, and also are very lovely.

The reason that makes me choose the dog as my favourite animal is the same reason why I'm studing veterinary medicine. when I was a child I had so many cats, I growed up wathing them having their babies, playing, and living with my family, since one day I asked: why does whe have so many cats but not a dog? and my family bring to our home a mongrel, called Tanque. he was a mix of a german shepherd (pastor alemán) and something else... I was the happiest girl in all the world! tanque was a member of my family, a dog that I will never forget.. one day, my family and I had to leave the city and my dad told me that we can't take tanque with us, and that he will let him to another family... but with the past of the time, I found that he leaves tanque to his faith because no one else wanted him.... oooohh I remember how I cried when I knew that! That notice had broken my heart, and after that I said to my self "that it can't happen again, I swear it!"
Two years later, someone else arrives to my home! Pelusa, a small poodle was moving her tale in the sofa, and I was so happy! this time was different because she stays with us and had her own babies. but shortly after birth, she died.. then, I remember that I said "I should have done something else to save her", but the veterinarian said that there's nothing else to do. So, I was thinking about tanque and pelusa and I decided to do something for not allow the animal neglect and for keep healty the animals (specially, the dogs): being a veterinarian! yes, that experiences in my life had make me decided my career, because tanque and pelusa had just wanted love and a happy and healthy life, and in their memory I will try that any dog or animal that I attend, could have what they had looking for.
That's why I love the dogs, because they need so much help and love, that they can't live without us. Actually, I have nine dogs in my house in Copiapó, two of them are the babies of Pelusa and the others are her grandbabies.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Santiago: A place to visit

Santiago has so many sights and activities worth seeing and doing that it's hard to limit the recommendations to only 5 items. Here’s my list of things to do in Santiago, Chile. These are the things that I really love about Santiago.
Bellavista: The ultimate nightlife sector of Santiago is also very centrally located. Tons of bars (for drinking), discotecas (for dancing and drinking), and restaurants (for eating, and of course, drinking). There is also plenty to do here during the day, but be on your guard at night as there are many drunks and people looking to take advantage of outsiders. I choose Bellavista because I love the nightlife, and Bellavista it's open even in the day, so it doesn't matter the hour, you can have fun!
Parque Arauco: If you want to see where the upper echelon of Santiago buys its clothes, check out some of the department stores at this huge indoor/outdoor mall. Has a year-round ice-skating rink, stores of all the marks, my favourites: Nike, Adidas, Zara, and others, a Hoyts Cinema, outdoor Restaurants and live music Saturday evenings. I love this mall because the infrastructure is very beautifull, combines the modern with nature (outside), and inside is so chic!
Lastarria: One of the more bohemian streets in Santiago, go for a stroll at night and pick from one of the many restaurants, sushi bars or cafés to eat at. During the day/evening, there are a few street vendors that cater to the more sophisticated crowd, like the guy who sells original prints of historic Chilean newspaper editions or prints with beautifull grounds, including express portraits. You can also head towards Museo Bellas Artes from here and there are even more mid-upper range restaurants, cafés and bars to chose from. There’s also an art theater that plays principally foreign films on Lastarria. I choose Lastarria because, even I went once time, I liked the bohemian life... and the sushi bars!
Central Market (Mercado Central): After walking around the fish market of Santiago, have a meal at one of the restaurants. Although touristy and a bit overpriced, you’ll find the most exquisite seafood in the city, including crabs the size of a basketball. While you’re here, check out La Vega Central, the biggest fruit market in Chile (a whole city block), just across the river from Mercado Central. If you go to the central market, you should have a Terremoto at la piojera. The terremoto (translation: earthquake) is a Santiago drink that every traveler needs to try. What is it? A mix of wine, pisco (a domestic liquor made from grapes), pineapple ice cream, and a hint of grenadine. Make sure to mix well and you will walk out feeling like a tremor just hit you. La Piojera is only a minute’s walk from Mercado Central. I Choose the market because the food in here is exquisit! and it's full of tourists. The only thing that disturbs me a little bit is that the sellers practically throw over you, for your choise to their restaurant.
Patronato: Patronato is a market that begins at the metro station with the same name. It has tons of clothes and accesories from every prices! it's cheapper than Parque Arauco, and sometimes, the clothes are the same. I love it because there's always a piece like made for me.
There are so much more places to visit in Santiago, but these are those that I love the most.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Death Penalty

Death penalty is a topic very discused in all the world, because it's a punishment for criminals but it's used only in some countries. Forms of execution include death by lethal injection, electrocution, lethal gas, hanging, and firing squad.

Even we know that death penalty involves end with the life, I've got a different point of view, because here in Chile we have very high numbers of criminals, and with the pass of the time this numbers are getting higher. I think this happens because the justice in this country isn´t so hard, and the criminals do whatever they want. If we could have the death penalty, I´m sure that the numbers of violations, murders and other crimes would decrease, because criminals will have fear about the sentence.

But, even I agree with death penalty, I think that it most be used in extreme cases, like serial killers or violators. I think this people kills in life not just to the victim, but also the family, and that pain will never leave their hearts. So, if some one tells me "it's a life, we can´t take it off to the criminal because we're nobody to do something like that", I answer "he took one life to (maybe more), and the lifes of the victim's family"... besides, we see this from outside, but what would happens if someone do something to us, or to our family? we would like to kill him! (her), or to make justice! I allways watch in the news "the violator goes to prision.. for 2 - 3 years".. isn't that terrible? how does the family feel with a sentence like that? or "falls serial killer. He has previous criminal records for 3 violations and sexual harassment"... that means that he didn´t go to prision!! that's terrible, I really hate this guys, and the justice to.

I think that there are so much kinds of criminals, but in summary, one is the freak that act because is sick, got a trauma, etc, and the other do this just for a stupid thing, like a fight or with alcohol, etc. The point is, that if we could have death penalty established here in chile, the crimes will low down, and more in the second point (stupid crimes) because there will be a conciousness about the punishment.

I don't think that most be used in accidents or some crimes that not afect the life, for example, the drug trafficants, the thieves, the scammers, etc, but I agree to used it in killers and violators.

Monday, May 3, 2010

A country I would like to visit

I would like to go to Australia, because it's a country full of animal diversity and new species that are exclusively of this country. Australia is for me a very exotic place, were you can do so much things.. reef dive, explore the forests, go on field trip and meet the animals.
I really don´t know much about this country, but the few things that I've seen makes me feel that it's a wonderful place to study, to work... to live! so, I think that if in some point of my life I could have the chance to visit there, I will go very happy.
The only thing that bother me is really contradictory, because I like the animal diversity, but not when we are talking about poisonous bugs or snakes, spiders or anything that can cause you a serious damage ( or a painful bite). No, actually that's the worst part of Australia, anything else it's amazing for me.
Another thing that likes to me about Australia is Sidney, because it's really beautifull, and even it's old, it looks modern. I would like to visit and enjoy everything, not just the nature, but also the culture and the mode of living of the Australians.